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YFS 10/06/09 Minutes

Members present:  
S. Barnes, K. Hanratty, B. Ruth, D. Shearer, P. Viggiano, J. Welsh
Also present:
Director Larry Freundlich, Recording Secretary Linda McCall, First Selectman Michael Pace, Commission Nominee Zach Towne
R. Allen, S. Cummins

Call to Order:  Vice Chairman Welsh called the meeting to order at 5:10 p.m.  
Welcome to Zach Towne – introductions all around.

Comments from the Public: none present

Review of Minutes of September 8, 2009:  Reviewed the minutes.  Viggiano made motion to approve the minutes as typed; seconded by Hanratty.  Vote taken and the minutes were unanimously approved.

Vice Chairman’s Comments:

Director’s Report:  verbal report
1. Family Day was held 1 week late (on scheduled rain date).  Commended Palmieri on a good job coordinating the event; noted 400-500 people on the Green at any one time.  Received feedback from Principal Rafferty (a committee member) expressing desire for better engagement of Middle School population and others.  Chairman commented that he would like to look at scheduling earlier – always rain; he would also like to get more people involved earlier in the planning, i.e. businesses, other organizations, schools, elderly, and the theatre.
2. Director reported a local dental practice had raised $3500 for the YFS Foundation through its SMILE campaign (teeth whitening) and $3500 for the national Garth Brooks Foundation.
3. Director reported the HEAT initiative had informed him they are looking to expand their mission and do more fundraising for the YFS Foundation, i.e. to provide scholarships for children in Pre-K programs; or to provide security deposits and for medical needs of families.
4. Director reported he had been asked to and had addressed the Brookfield Prevention Council about our HCHY initiative.  They were looking for technical assistance from us on our successful collaborations and improved youth substance use data.  They have already surveyed their students and are looking at how to publicize their results.
5. 80 students are registered for our Middle School After School Clubs.  Recently met with Parks & Recreation Assistant Director to focus on 7th and 8th grade needs – will be looking to develop some structured programs for them at the Center.
6. Our 8th grade Peer Mentors have been in training for the last 3 weeks culminating with a full school day Training Retreat at Camp Hazen.  In mid-October they will be paired with 4th and 5th grade students whom they will mentor for the balance of the school year.
7. Director will be attending Student Assistance Team meetings at the High School to help develop treatment plans for students referred to the Team.  He will also see 5 or 6 students for individual counseling at the school.
8. Youth Coordinator Moen initiated a REACH (Responsible Educated Adolescents Can Help) after school club at the High School.  The group will be charged with decision-making as well as be trained to teach prevention issues to MS students as was done last year.
9. Director reported we have picked up additional registrations at Open Houses and through summer packets that will be entered into the database.  Hanratty noted that Goodwin School does everything now by email while the Middle School is not yet distributing fully that way.
10.  Director reported that Social Services Coordinator Messner is at the Town Hall today with representatives from the Community Renewal Team taking energy applications.  
11.  Director reported that Mercy Housing (a non-profit corporation in Hartford) received a $395,000 stimulus grant to provide homelessness services (case management and direct assistance) in Middlesex County.  First Selectman noted question on the liabilities involved and recommended reading the documents carefully.  He also questioned whether the arrangement would be a regional undertaking vs. an Old Saybrook undertaking.
12.  Director reported he has decided to take an early retirement package from the Town effective December 31, 2009.  He expressed that it was a difficult decision; he has headed the agency for 30 years and it has been rewarding although the last 3 years have been tough due to elimination of counseling program in schools and reduced staffing.  He expressed his belief that there is still a lot to do and the Commission will have hard decisions to make.  He reported that he has been asked and will take vacation he has accrued and therefore his last day would be mid-November.  Chairman Barnes expressed a thank you from the Commission for all the Director has done for the agency and for the Town.  First Selectman Pace stated that he will start to look at transition protocols and funding, and that he will work with the Commission through Chairman Barnes.  He noted the Agency is a model.  He further stated that he and Chairman will set up a whole protocol of reviewing the agency and the community’s needs: schools, parks and recreation, police, social services.  Welsh asked what sort of transitional leadership would there be.  First Selectman stated we would use the resources we have, including the Director.  He asked that Commission share immediate concerns and thoughts with Chairman.  Director noted that the Commission has been a large part of the Agency’s success.  Hanratty noted that most people in the community do not realize the large role that the Agency plays in building community programs and leading collaborative initiatives.

Local Prevention Council Business:
1. Search Survey Update - Director reported that the DFC Grantor requires a comprehensive survey of the target population be done every 2 years; after talking with our grant coordinator in Washington we have decided to forego doing the full Search Survey until next year but will do a shorter survey on the required four core measures.  HCHY Advisory Board recommended surveying 8th, 10th and 12th graders during a small window in November.  Director will be meeting with Superintendent Onofrio tomorrow and will discuss this with him.  
2. Budgetary Plan for Drug Free Communities Grant Surplus – Director reviewed packets with proposals and addressed each position cited within.  He asked Commission to review attached budgets and contact him with any questions.  The Board of Education has decided to seek a licensed Student Assistance Counselor with drug and alcohol experience as opposed to a certified Drug and Alcohol counselor and is re-advertising the position.  Director noted we could look at other grant opportunities, i.e. via Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services for future funding after Year 10 of the DFC grant.  The Youth and Family Services Foundation may also be an expanded source of fundraising for the future.

Old Business:
1. Selection of Student RepresentativeWelsh made motion to select Junior Zach Towne as Student Representative to the Commission.  Viggiano seconded.  Vote taken and the motion was unanimously approved.
2. Stipend Position at the High School for the Youth Asset Team – Director reported he met with Principal Oliver Barton; Barton and Associate Principal Tara Winch both thought a stipend position paid by Youth and Family Services would be a great idea.  Director proposed $400 stipend for a high school staff person to link with agency and students.  The school administrators recommended Deb Palmieri.  First Selectman asked about the Superintendent’s position on the proposal.  Director said he would put this on the agenda for his meeting with Superintendent tomorrow.
3. Update on Drug and Alcohol Counselor Position – Director reported he met with Director of Pupil Services Carole Alvaro last week and they started writing the ad and talking with Superintendent.  The job will be advertised as an 18-hour position during the school year.  The counselor can interface with families as well as see kids during the school day.  Day to day supervision of the counselor was not discussed.

New Business:
1. Personnel Planning – Director distributed copies of his job description and the Clerical Assistant (Administrative Clerk) job description, which includes coverage of Youth Employment Service.  He also distributed copies of an update to “Youth and Family Services’ Sources of Revenue, Exclusive of Town Funding”.  In addition he distributed copies of the November 2007 Mentoring Proposal.  Please review all for future discussion.

Other Business:   
1. Establish Commission Meeting Schedule for 2010Chairman Barnes made motion to set the Youth and Family Services Commission Meeting Schedule for the first Tuesday of the month January through December 2010 with the following exceptions: second Tuesday of September; second Tuesday of November and no meeting during July and August.  Welsh seconded the motion.  Vote taken and the motion was unanimously approved.

There being no further business to discuss Hanratty made motion to adjourn.  Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda B. McCall
Administrative Assistant